Do it yourself... Naturally.

Dr. Group's Healthy Living Articles

15 October 2024

Gimme the Good Stuff

15 October 2024

Organic Authority - organic food, organic living, green living, organic thoughts.

Put a new spin on your dreary wash routine. Natural minerals that are tough on stains and gentle on your baby and the environment are the core of all of our detergents. Make greener choices with our full line of eco concious products that are super fresh and oh so socially responsible.

Our Mission

Our mission at Ruby Moon is to provide you with an affordable, gentle on the earth and your skin, tough on stains and odor, line of products. All of our products and packaging are made with natural and biodegradable ingredients.  We rigorously test our products and would never sell you anything that we wouldn't use on our own families.  

Our Story

We never thought we would be making laundry detergent.  But like a lot of things in life, necessity is the mother of invention.   After my daughter was born, I fell in love with two things- my gorgeous baby and her gorgeous cloth diapers.  However, my little one has eczema that was only made worse by the “baby” laundry detergent with it’s too-strong odor and harsh chemicals.  I couldn’t wash my diapers in the stuff- nor did I want to- but I couldn’t find ANYTHING in the grocery store that didn’t cause my diapers to leak or  ( unbelievably) stink even worse!  Not to mention the negative ecological impact all those chemicals had on our environment! SO, as we all do I went online to purchase the premier cloth diaper detergent.  I was so excited to use their products! Until,that is, I read the ingredients. Half of the label was vague, industrial, chemical sounding words that frankly- sounded just like the detergent I was running away from.  When I contacted the companies, they refused to tell me what exactly was in their products.  I am all for protecting your product’s formula- but this is my baby! What touches her more than her cloth diaper! I needed to know what was in the product I was buying.  I was at an impasse.  I had REALLY stinky diapers and a baby whose skin was not too happy about the detergent we were using.  I had a decision to make: Give up cloth diapering or make my own detergent.  I chose the latter.  After months of research and lots of laundry, I came up with a concoction that is safe for my babies tender skin, safe for my cloth diapers, and ecologically friendly.  I began sharing the detergents with friends, family, and other cloth diapering Mamas. They all raved about how clean their diapers and clothes were and encouraged me to go into business.  Opportunity knocks only so many times before it moves on to someone who will listen, so I decided to listen to all my laundry detergent lovers.  With the help of my family and tester/snuggler extraordinaire, Ruby Grace, Ruby Moon Natural Laundry was born.  Look at that gorgeous baby! I can't think of a better reason to make our families and the Earth a little healthier!